Traveller Stories

The Language Journey

In the year 2015, I witnessed something that changed my perspective on learning languages. Despite always having talent when learning English, I wasn’t too eager to learn the language. But that year, when traveling to El Eje Cafetero in Colombia (my birth country), I got a chance to talk with a couple of guys coming from Germany. They told me about their country and the itinerary they planned to have in Colombia. I was able to share about my culture thanks to the little vocabulary I had, but if I had a bigger one, I could have shared more in detail about the history of my country, the reasons why we do the things we do, and traditional dishes, among others.

That day, something just clicked, and my English journey started, along with the opportunity to learn more about different cultures and countries. One day, I decided to pack my bags and explore the world on my solo journey. My first destination was India, a country full of different dialects and people, where I also learned the importance of learning the language of the country where you plan to go, making it easier to understand the culture and the people’s background.

Learning English opened so many doors for me, and thanks to it, I had the possibility to explore India.

Nowadays, I have met so many people here in Poland with different mindsets, backgrounds, and places, all thanks to the language that connects the world. I would also like to learn Polish to make my experience here more memorable.