
My First Solo Trip

Travel before I went solo

I began traveling outside of the United States when I was around thirteen years old. I have traveled a lot within the United States including driving up the entire west coast, and a total of 15 states. My first trip overseas was actually to Fiji for my mom’s honeymoon, which happened to fall on my birthday as well which was really exciting to a thirteen year old me. Then only a year later I went to France. It was nice for food and museums however, very expensive. I have come to learn that that’s just how travel is in general. Not all of my photos over the year ended up saving, but I will share my favorites of what I do have here.

My favorite destination yet

Rocky Mountain National Park, the most beautiful place I’ve ever been. Yes, this is also a photo I took while I was there, unreal right? If I could recommend going anywhere in the world it would be here. The preservation of this place is incredible, the animals, the nature, everything looks almost untouched by humans, and it is so beautiful. Go during the spring to see the most breathtaking views you have, probably, ever seen!

Now, my solo travel beginnings

I have never traveled alone before, and at 20 years old I really did not think it would be such a switch. I also wasn’t aware how long 12 hours in a plane is, but fortunately my destination made up for this back ache. Leaving the country at my age, quitting my job, saying goodbye to my brother, my friends, my cats! It is a life change that I found out I was not as prepared for as I thought I would be, but it definitely was a necessary one; when would I get the opportunity to travel like this again? Volunteering to live nearly for free? I realized it was much more expensive than world packers makes it seem online, but when an advertiser wants people to download and what was I really expecting? At least I do have a side hustle (online clothing brand) that I can near fully run from my phone, with the help of my friend to ship out the items back home thankfully. This is something that is absolutely necessary if you want to stay longer than a few weeks, and I wasn’t fully aware of that, but I am glad that I set it up just in case.

Anyways, I am now in Poland with hopes to visit other countries in Europe (if I can scrape together the money) and get my real life started in a way that I am proud of. Poland is beautiful this summer, and I am so glad I had the opportunity to visit while working on a TEFL certification!