Traveller Stories

My Journey from California to Poland

Life is a remarkable journey filled with opportunities to explore new horizons, cultures, and experiences. One such adventure led me from the sunny shores of California to the captivating country of Poland. I am eager to embrace the cultural differences and I’m exhilarated in anticipation of what Poland will mean for my future. A remarkable journey awaits me. I’m positive that it is led by the promises of cultural immersion, personal growth, and a thrilling future. I’m delighted to embrace the differences, savor the traditions, and seize the opportunities that Poland has to offer. Most importantly, indulging in traditional dishes like pierogi and żurek! I can’t wait to forge connections and deepen my understanding of the local way of life.

Growing up in Northern California was a remarkable experience filled with natural beauty and a laid-back atmosphere. My hometown has breathtaking landscapes, from the towering redwood forests to the stunning coastline, providing a backdrop for countless adventures. Such activities include lots of hiking, camping, and many early morning surf sessions. The diverse communities and the spirit of innovation shaped my perspective, fostering my sense of curiosity and creativity. From the vibrant arts scene, farmer’s markets brimming with local produce, and a strong sense of community were all integral parts of my upbringing. Northern California’s unique blend of nature, diversity, and forward-thinking mindset nurtured me into the person I am today.

More recently in the past two years, I have embarked on an extraordinary journey of traveling the world, immersing myself in diverse cultures along with constantly expanding my worldview and understanding. This thrilling adventure has been nothing short of transformative. From bustling cities to remote villages, I have been fortunate enough to witness the beauty and uniqueness of countless destinations. The friendships I’ve made, the new foods I’ve tasted, and the traditions I’ve embraced have reshaped my understanding of the world and now, I can’t wait to see what exciting experiences await me in Poland! This is my first time in Europe, after traveling through parts of Latin America, Africa, Asia and Australia. I’m eager to witness the man-made and natural beauties Europe and Poland have to offer. Along with gaining a new understanding of the locals way of life.

The experiences and memories I make will undoubtedly shape my perspective, broaden my horizons, and enrich my life in ways I’ve never imagined. From the language to the cuisine, the customs to the traditions, every aspect of daily life in Poland will be a fascinating discovery. I’m very excited to have Poland be my first experience of European culture and I’m very thankful to have the opportunity to explore and learn what Poland and its people can teach me.