
Por la anécdota

From my warm and noisy Mexico, filled with highly seasoned food, loud, dramatic, and expressive people, to Poland, which in my opinion, is the complete opposite of what I’ve experienced for the last 25 years. “Por la anécdota” which in English translates to “for the anecdote,” is a movie created about a Mexican comedian who, through jokes, narrates his most random and embarrassing stories about his life. These stories include difficult moments, but when he steps onto the stage to tell the people about them, he does so with great affection.

Hi, my name is Patricia, and until I was 24, I only lived in Mexico, where I always thought I would spend the rest of my life. At 24, I decided to spend a semester studying in France, where I had the opportunity to practice my French, and at 25, I chose to do this volunteer work in Poland, where I don’t speak the language but I would love to learn. Similarly, I have visited other countries in America and Europe for short periods, in tourist mode with only 5 hours of sleep a day.

Now, speaking about my beautiful Mexico, I can say that if you’re looking for a very warm place in both climate and people, with delicious food and an interesting history, then Mexico is perfect for you. Being outside Mexico and living a different life from my Mérida, made me realize some beauties that perhaps I took for granted in my life. Like the beautiful sunsets, a blend of yellow, red, and orange that you can appreciate every day and never get tired of; seeing palm trees on every corner, not just when you’re at the beach; buying fresh fruit with lime, salt, and chili (if you like spicy food) on the street and having it as a snack; visiting cenotes and beaches along the Caribbean Sea, petting cats and dogs in the streets, and being able to make friends very easily!

When I’ve made the decision to go to places that are different from mine or that might require me to make an extra effort or involve difficult or challenging situations, I always say to myself, ‘por la anécdota’ Then perhaps I have a funny story, a tale about uncertainty, about learning, about friendship, or about love to share with my loved ones. These experiences shape the person I am today and will always be cherished in my heart.