
From Samba to Pierogi

Hey there!

Guess where this Brazilian English teacher ended up? Drumroll, please… Poland! Yeah, I know, it’s as wild as it sounds.

I got an opportunity to spend a few months abroad, and of course, I couldn’t pass up the chance to spend at least a month in Poland.

And you know what? It was the best decision ever. No plans meant no expectations, and that led to some crazy adventures. I’m talking cultural exchanges in Poland, forming bonds that’ll probably outlast my favorite pair of sneakers.

Why Poland, you ask? Well, there’s some family history there. My great grandmother is Polish. She met my German great grandfather and fled the war to Brazil. They had my grandmother, who had my mother, and now, me. It’s great to see where they came from.

Also, snow. I have never seen snow in my country; it’s not that common. We have sun all year long, blue skies, and high temperatures that make us dream about beaches and rivers all day long. But no snow. Can’t wait to see some.

It’s been only a few days, but it has been incredible. I have already met new people, seen new places—no snow yet, but hopefully soon enough.