Japanese Countryside and Suburbs
Hi, I’m RJ Irie, I was born in South America but I grew up in Japan. I started traveling after finishing high school and only stopped when covid hit. I had spent a couple of years in the US. mostly in the west coast, and going back and forth to Japan.
I’ve been to 21 countries and had only briefly visited Poland before, but PL has always been dear to my heart, I’ve always wanted to come back and spend more time here, so I came as soon as I could, it’s my first time traveling since pre-covid times. Poland was on the top of the list of places I wanted to go back to for a really long time.
I’ve done road trips in the US. and thought about writing about travels in America, but I will follow the trend of introducing a little bit about our home countries in my first post.
Tokyo’s districts are widely seen in japanese guides and pop culture, but not much of the countryside, so I decided to showcase today a bit of the rest of Japan outside of Tokyo.
Here’s a glimpse of what lies around japońskie lands:

Cute villages right? Now another angle on the japanese countryside and small towns: post-communist era style block apartments.

Chruszczowka and Orthodox Churches in Japan, slavic countries feels strangely familiar to me, as Japan may feel familiar to some slavs.

Could be somewhere in Russia/Ukraine, but it’s Hokkaidō, Japan.

I’ve recently found language similarities between Polish and Japanese. We may have more in common than we are aware of lol

Well thank you for visiting the blog, I wanna wish everyone all the best, and a happy new year!! I’m so thankful I’ll get to spend the NYE in Poland!
Dziękuję i na zdrowie!

The Language of Nature

The heart of Europe
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