We come from the land down under!
My husband Pete and I have lived in many parts of Australia, but we spent the last 2 years in Brisbane. A lovely city built along a river on the eastern coast of the country (near the Great Barrier Reef!). In fact, most Australians live in the east & within an hour’s drive of the beach. Australia is the 6th largest country in the world and surprisingly, has half the population of Poland. Perth, the capital of Western Australia has been coined the most isolated city in the world, and its no wonder when you take into consideration that Australia’s west, has a larger land area than Western Europe with only 2.5 million inhabitants! It takes 5 hours to fly from one side of our country to the other – from certain parts of Australia, its actually faster to fly abroad!
Brisbane, Australia. Our city Brisbane, Australia. On the right you can see the cliffs – known as Kangaroo… Brisbane, Australia. View from the cliffs to the city Brisbane, Australia. This is a man-made beach across the river from the city. The famous Opera House in Sydney Tasmania, Australia. Cradle Mountain – volcanic crater Tasmania, Australia. Cradle Mountain – snow capped mount… NSW Australia. The Snowy Mountains. Told you there was snow!
What we lack in population we make up for with crazy animals. We have a huge variety of animals, several that are unique to only Australia – they cannot survive in the wild in any other country. Koalas are a fine example of this – in fact – the Eucalyptus tree, the sole food eaten by Koalas only grows in Australia. As you are probably aware, our country is infamous for its dangerous animals. Some say there’s a reason Australia is surrounded by nothing but water: God is trying to protect you from the hell trapped within. In all seriousness, this is one of the most common conversation points amongst foreigners & Australians- but fear not, Australia’s aging population is testament to your chances of survival. Typically, Aussies enjoy the company of cats and dogs as pets – the only dog unable to be domesticated is our ‚native’ dog, the Dingo. So much so, that Australia has a 6000 km dingo fence to exclude them from the south eastern parts of the country. This is the world’s longest fence!

Fire in Mom’s house
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